VolFix Free Demo with CQG Datafeed

VolFix.NET Easy to Use, Simple to Customize

Welcome VolFix Traders!

Advanced Trading Tools and Analytical Panels that can be used to trade including Volume Profile Charts

Welcome Volfix Traders!

Design to help you deliver your most critical and actionable financial insights.


  • Alerts - create custom visual, sound, and email alert for one or all symbols.
  • Depth of Market (DOM) - displays ten price levels each way and allows entry and exit automation directly in the DOM window
  • Order Window - All complex orders (T/S, S/L, T/P, Trigger) are processed and stored on server and will work with closed terminal
  • Easily apply drawings and EasyLanguage indicators , and perform technical analysis on historical ask and bid series.
  • Available Charts - Cluster Chart, Tick Chart, Reverse Chart, Delta Imbalance
  • Social Proof - Traders Rating Built-in
VolFix - Hero
Whether you are part of a prop shop or are a professional trader, Rithmic’s trade execution software delivers to you the low latency and high throughput performance formerly seen only by the very large trading houses and boutique hedge funds.

Rithmic DataFeed

Traders choose CQG because they trust our data’s quality, accuracy, and reliability. CQG continues to have the highest commitment to providing reliable accurate data. Primary and failover data centers worldwide ensure uninterrupted market data distribution. 
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CQG DataFeed (AMPConnect)

VolFix is a leading charting solution that includes pricing data, financial research, global financial news and commentary, fundamentals analysis and visual analysis.


Trading Tools and analytical panels that can be used to trade including many Chart Types, Research, Social and Trading Desk

7 Chart Types

Cluster Chart, Tick Chart, Reverse Chart, Combo Chart, Cluster Profile, Box Chart, Bar Chart.


Tick Search, All Prices, Volume Search, including pricing data, financial research, global financial news and commentary, fundamentals analysis and visual analysis.

Traders Rating

Publication of Transactions of Robots, Traders and Analysts in Real-time Mode.

Trading Desk

Order Window > Modern interface of the window sets a completely new format for conducting of transactions.


Alerts that keep you informed.
You can create custom visual, sound, and email alert for one or all symbols.